Monday, December 23, 2019

A Brief Note On Atherosclerosis And Its Effects On The...

1. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONS Atherosclerosis impairs proper perfusion through ischemia and has acute and long-term serious consequences on the body’s vasculature including unstable and stable angina, myocardial infarctions, sudden cardiac death, transient ischemic attacks, cerebrovascular disease and more. The most common cause of myocardial infarctions (MI) is ischemic heart disease, and in turn, MIs are one of the leading causes of heart failure because they directly alter the structure and function of the heart. Heart failure can be described as the inability of the heart to adequately fill or contract in order to meet the body’s metabolic demands. MIs affect the ability of the heart to properly fill and eject blood depending on the location and extent of infarct. The adrenergic response and renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) both play a vital role in the regulation of heart rate and stroke volume. In the short-term, the death of myocardial cells due to occlusion and lack of oxygen and nutrients leads to overall decreased muscle cells, decreased stroke volume, and thus decreased cardiac output. Following an MI, cell death, inflammation, and neurohormonal mechanisms contribute to cardiac remodeling which has long-term detrimental consequences. Initially, persistent ischemia directly leads to cardiomyocyte loss from necrosis and apoptosis. Furthermore, inflammatory cells and their mediators such as the pro-fibrotic cytokines TGF-B1 and CTGF begin to clear necroticShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Atherosclerosis And Its Effects On The Heart Essay1138 Words   |  5 Pagesof the disease Atherosclerosis is a disease dealing with the heart. This disease causes hardening and narrowing (or even blockage) of the arteries, which makes the arteries thicken. Accumulations of fat, calcium and plaque build up are all components of having this disease known as atherosclerosis. The accumulations of calcium, fat, and plaque build up quietly and slowly block the arteries, putting blood flow at an extremely high risk. Atherosclerosis is typically the source of heart attacks, strokesRead MoreErectile Dysfunction ( Ed )1017 Words   |  5 Pagescom/erectile-dysfunction/rm-quiz-erectile-dysfunction ED is a very common sexual dysfunction, is occurs in men. The chances of ED increase with age, however, it is not an unavoidable part of aging. ED can be inability, inconsistent ability or able to maintain brief period of erection that is firm enough for sexual intercourse (Arcangelo, 2013). ED can increase stress, decrease self-confidence and leads to relationship problems. It could be the initial signs and symptoms of other health issues (Mayo Clinic, 2016)Read MoreThe Cardiovascular System Of Atherosclerosis3729 Words   |  15 Pagesconstantly being pumped to and from the heart through arteries and veins, respectively. 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In ischaemic heart disease there is a deficiency in the blood supply to the heart muscle which can be caused by an obstruction to, or even a narrowing of the coronary arteries. This in turn reduces the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscle. Without an optimum oxygen supply the heart muscle is unable to functionRead MoreCase Study Essay33967 Words   |  136 PagesPART ONE Medical-Surgical Cases 1 1 Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 1 Heart Failure Difficulty: Beginning Setting: Emergency department, hospital Index Words: heart failure (HF), cardiomyopathy, volume overload, quality of life X Scenario M.G., a â€Å"frequent flier,† is admitted to the emergency department (ED) with a diagnosis of heart failure (HF). She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, â€Å"I just had to come to the hospital today because IRead MoreReflective Account.3366 Words   |  14 Pagesassignment I will be writing a reflective account which will identify a significant episode of care in which I had been involved with, by identifying the pathophysiology and the disease process for the chosen patient; this will be presented by giving a brief outline of the psychosocial influences of the illness for the patient and others who may have been involved with the care. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources Free Essays

Questions 4 Paper- June 2010 Q4-Study Sources D and E Which of Sources D or E is more useful to the historian who is investigating surgical practice in the 1870s? Both Sources D and E are useful to the historian who is investigating surgical practice in the 1870s, however only to a certain extent because both sources explain a few of the negatives and positives of surgical practice. In source D, it says that ‘it took too long to keep washing everything’ and how people who would think of new ideas in surgical practice were often regarded as ‘odd’. This evidence shows us that surgical practice at the time may have been a more negative experience rather than a positive one. We will write a custom essay sample on Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source E, on the other hand, talks a little less broadly about surgical practice as it explains, like source D, ‘infection was as common as ever’ and talks about the transitions from one operating theatre to the next. However, sources D and E are only useful to a certain extent as both sources tell us only one aspect surrounding surgical practice when there were many others. Both sources talk about infection in surgical practice and how it was an obstacle which mainly surrounds the negatives of surgery. This information is only useful to a certain extent as we are not told the positives of surgical practice and whether there were other factors that affected surgery at the time. Only one of the sources seem of reliable provenance as Source D is a book called History of Medicine written at a time further away from the 1870s than when source E was written. Although Source D was written by someone who we can not tell had any medical experience, we understand that, this being a book based on Medicine as a whole, it would have been reliable and checked by other professionals. On the other hand, Source E was an account that was remembered by a man in surgical practice 56 years later and so surgical practice was changing immensely at the time and could have altered his opinion. It is also only an account of one person and could therefore be biased as others may think differently. Overall, Source D mainly focuses on specific areas of surgical practice and tells us that surgical practice was tough as ‘it took too long to keep washing everything’ (being the equipment and other things that were used) and it also talks about how people who would come up with new ideas, would have their ideas rejected at first as they were regarded as ‘odd’. Source D also mentions Lister and his ideas about germs and how they were lso regarded as ‘odd’. From this we see that Surgical Practice was rough for many and that surgery in the 1870s was quite shallow as development and new ideas were pushed down. Source E on the other hand also had some facts such as ‘the building cost ? 600 000’ however, like source D, talked about how nothing changed and gave a method which was kept the same such as being ‘allowed to go straight from the post-modern room to work on the maternity ward’. In Conclusion, looking at both sources and the reliability of the sources from the provenance of the sources, both source are useful to a historian investigating surgical practice in the 1870s, however, Source D seems more reliable and therefore more useful to the historian, as looking at the provenance, it is based in a book that many historians would have read and so would be more reliable than an account made by one person who could have had shallow views as they wouldn’t have many mixed opinions and so side with what they believed. Q5. Study Sources A, F and G and use your own knowledge. ‘Lister’s antiseptic methods changed surgical practice in a short period of time. ’ How far do you agree with this statement? Use your own knowledge, Sources A, F and G and any other sources you find helpful to explain your answer. The Sources How to cite Questions 4 Q4-Study Sources, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Imporant Decisions In Huck Finn Essay Example For Students

Imporant Decisions In Huck Finn Essay Important decisions made by the protagonist in The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnHuck Finn, the protagonist, made many story altering decisions throughout the novel. Three monumental decisions are lying to the bounty hunters about Jim, tearing up the letter to Miss Watson about Jim and himself, and hiding the gold the duke and the king conned out of the Wilks. Two of the choices by Huck decide the fate and freedom of a human being, Jim, making them very powerful decisions that he has to make. Huck often makes these decisions rashly but they turn out to work very well for him. The three important decisions and why and how he made them show deeply how Huck Finn thinks and feels. One of Hucks major decisions not involving Jim is turning his back on the king and the duke, by hiding the Wilks gold. Huck more or less goes along with the duke and the kings plans until this one because of how nice the Wilks girls are to him. Huck had many choices and could have stuck with the duke and the king but changes his mind after Mary Jane and Susan are so nice to him and scold Joanna for questioning him. After Mary Jane scolds her Huck says to himself this is the girl Im letting that old reptile rob of her money! (169). Mary Jane and Susan make Joanna apologize to Huck and Joanna apologizes so beautiful it was good to hear (169). Joanna apologizing and Mary Jane and Susan sticking up for him makes Huck like them so much that he feels so ornery and low down and mean that I says to myself, my minds made up; Ill hive that money for them or bust(169). Huck then goes to bed early and sneaks up to the king and dukes room to steal the money. When the king and the duke talk about just taking the six thousand they already have and knocking off and lighting out(170). it makes Huck feel pretty bad(170). Huck feeling bad shows that he still believes what he is doing is right and wants to punish the king and the duke and have them get caught and shown for the frauds they are. Over the long term Huck does regret being involved in the downfall of the royalty, he says when he sees the king and the duke tarred and feathered that I felt sorry for them pitiful rascals. . . and felt kind of . . . to blame(222). Another major decision by Huck about Jims freedom is Huck deciding to rip up the letter he was going to write to Miss Watson about where Jim is being held until the reward is paid.. Huck decides to write the letter in chapter thirty-one after he discovers that Jim has been sold by the king and the duke for money. Huck can not think of a plan to get Jim free and has no idea where Jim is so he says to himself Once I said to myself it would be a thousand times better for Jim to be a slave at home where his family was, as long as hed got to be a slave, and so Id better write a letter to Tom Sawyer and tell him to tell Miss Watson where he was (204). Huck then thinks that if Jim is given back to Miss Watson he will be treated badly or sold down the river again for being ungrateful and trying to run away. He also thinks that people will look at him badly for trying to help a slave run away. Huck is then hit by the hand of Providence (204). .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .postImageUrl , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:hover , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:visited , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:active { border:0!important; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:active , .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59 .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u722ec82276fd1bd606d486b304091d59:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ancient Greeks and Romans Essay and believes that Jim was taken and sold because it is Gods way of saying that he will not allow people who help slaves to run away go unpunished. God watching over him makes Huck so scared that he decides to pray and try to become a good person. Huck tries to pray to become a good person, but knows that he will and does not want to become one, and he can not pray a lie. So Huck decides to write

Friday, November 29, 2019

Records by Foreigner free essay sample

Music that holds attention for over 30 years doesnt always come with an entire album like the Foreigners Record from 1982. Great hits still commonly heard on commercials, in movies, and karaoke bars today such as Feels like the First Time or Juke Box Hero can be found on this compilation of the best from the first four albums of Foreigner. Although it is missing what is considered one of the greatest hits of Foreigner Blue Morning, Blue Day, the album still effortlessly expresses the cummulative style of a band who takes inspiration from the heart of the 80s. Like many of the bands of this time, Foreigner features a classic mixture of guitar solos, da-da-dum drum sounds, notable bass guitar lines, keyboards, and of course rustic vocals throughout the album. The use of these now classic sounds are different in every song. They accompany lyrics in a way that rises to a climax and slowly falls to a fade away sound. We will write a custom essay sample on Records by Foreigner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As diverse as the use of their style is, an unknowing listener may not appeal to the entire album. Much of the songs can arguably sound similar if not the same to someone who does not appreciate or pay much attention to their music. Musicians would easily be able to appreciate the sounds brought in each song from the keyboard dominant Cold As Ice, to rough town sound Long,Long Way from Home. With a rough and yet laid back sound mixture that appeals to lyrics meant to reveal raw feelings, the album is relatable to any listener. Each song is about an extreme feeling that everyone has felt in some way. Whether it’s a song about love, lust, or fight, Records truly captures the feel of the band all in one short 40 minute album. For some, it sounds the same as any other oldies song album, and for others, its the album to bring back memories. Sounds connected to the timeless stories anyone could rock out to.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Analysis on Shiloh Essays

Analysis on Shiloh Essays Analysis on Shiloh Paper Analysis on Shiloh Paper Shiloh analysis Tomorrow Never Comes â€Å"Shiloh,† by Bobby Ann Mason is a disheartening story that makes marriage seem like an awful commitment to get into at an early age because one never knows what life is going to throw at you. Leroy is truck driver who has been put out of his job after a truck driving incident and returns home to reunite with his wife Norma Jean . Norma has grown to living without Leroy and soon discovers she does not enjoy his constant company. Eventually Norma wants to their marriage to end because of numerous differences that she cannot overcome unless she moves out. She is sick of the mockery she has to take from her mother for becoming pregnant with Leroy when she was eighteen. She also cannot stand the regret of her childs death and is constantly reminded with Leroy always being around. It strikes me how Mason uses this story to relate to real life marriages and it makes me think of how many of my friends have divorced parents and made me remember of the friends I had in high school that were already getting married at such a young age. Some because of an unexpected pregnancy and others because of blind love. This story makes me realize that people usually get divorced because of life events that change the environment of the whole relationship. Mason uses symbolism and fictional realism to a great view on typical worn out marriages today. Leroys relationship Norma was always shaky from the beginning. Because of marrying at a young age their relationship had more time to go through social events that made them eventually disconnect with each other. The worst event they went through that initially corrupted their marriage was the death of their child. This traumatic event made the relationship empty and hopeless of prosperity. Leroy moving back in changed the way Norma Jean wanted to live her life. â€Å"He injured his leg in a highway accident four months ago, and his physical therapy, which involves weights and a pulley, prompted Norma Jean to try building herself up. † (67) The accident that keeps Leroy at home forces Norma Jean to confront him and opens her eyes to the emptiness of a marriage made tolerable only by his frequent absence. I think Norma Jean was only still in the relationship because Leroy was always one but now that he has settled into the nest, she is ready to fly away. She begins building herself up because she does not like the way things are starting to look around her. She begins to see herself in a new light, perhaps rediscovering the youth that she lost when thrown into adulthood at eighteen. She realizes she does not want to continue this loveless marriage. â€Å" Before his accident, when Leroy came home he used to stay in the house with Norma Jean, watching TV in bed and playing cards. She would cook fried chicken, picnic ham, chocolate pie- all his favorites. Now he is home alone much of the time. † (71). Many relationships end up happening this way because of life changes. Just recently my aunt divorced my uncle after twenty five years of marriage. This happened almost a year after their son moved out. It seemed to me that the dull and tired relationship was only being held together by their child. Now that the child has moved on the relationship turned out to be empty as well. Mason also makes a point that nothing stays the same in relationships and in life in general. Life always throws something at you that you dont expect. Sometimes you can go with the flow, but sometimes it boils over. Leroys always had a job and always provided but was rarely at home. This has been going on so long that Norma Jean has adapted and formed her life around it. This reminds me of my cousins and his ex-wifes relationship. He lives in Georgia and married his high school sweetheart. He couldn’t go to college because he had children at a young age. He was always a hard worker and provided for his family. From an outside appearance their marriage with children and the big house seemed perfect. Unfortunately when the recession hit he lost almost everything. His wife left him and he doesnt understand why. Leroy and Norma Jean also dealt with the same separation that my cousins family dealt with. Norma Jean was so used to Leroy being away at work that she could not handle the event of him coming back and living together Mason uses a lot of symbolic references to pronounce the ending of Leroy and Norma Jeans marriage. The greatest symbolism of the story would have to be the trip to Shiloh, a battlefield. It is the place that Mabel wants Leroy to take Norma Jean because it is where she had her honeymoon. Really she knows it is a place where there was great suffering and a finalization to a battle that ends suffering and was never meant to be. Norma Jean begins to realize why her mother wanted them to go to Shiloh. She finally gets the confidence to tell Leroy what she wants. She knows nothing can keep her in the relationship any longer. She walks away from the whole matter at the end and puts her arms out, Leroy knows he can not stop her from flying away. After telling her husband Leroy that she wants to leave him, Norma Jean walks quickly towards the Tennessee River at Shiloh, pursued by the limping Leroy. â€Å" Leroy gets up to follow his wife, but his good leg is asleep and his bad leg still hurts him. Norma Jean is far away, walking rapidly toward the bluff by the river, and he tries to hobble towards her. †(76) Mason shows at the end that Leroy is literally and symbolically unable to keep up with her. Bobby Ann Mason shows us just what relationships turn into after it has been put through life events that can change the entire environment of a relationship. Mason uses symbolism to show to the reader how empty the relationship between Leroy and Norma really is. He shows how lives and relationships change. Some times by ones choice and some time by uncontrollable events. I know more than one relationship that can relate to the one in the story. I believe Lives and relationships are not controlled by ones dreams but by unforeseen fate. Mason, Bobbie Ann. â€Å"Shiloh,† Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Robert DiYanni. McGraw-Hill, 2007. 67-76. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma Essay

How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma - Essay Example In the following, Ann and Silverman employ surrealism and realism to present different social injustices, traumas, and the impact of culture to the immediate society (Kaplan & Ban 56). Historical trauma is a possessive attribute that overcomes different people in large numbers. The fact is that, historical trauma is not a dream or a tale. It rules over emotional, psychological characters of given people in different societies. The way these different people perceive different situations and likeliness of reactions reveal the extent of historical trauma. It results from social injustices, unethical, practices at other attributes that leave permanent scars to the witnesses. In most cases, historical trauma results from genocides and massacres whereby the immediate society witnesses inhuman acts (Kaja 70). Cultural trauma in the book ‘Spellbound’ depicts the psychological distress that an individual undergoes. The haunted individuals seek consultations for salvation from th e ties of dead spirits. In the book of Spellbound, the writer narrates of a doctor and a patient who is seeking consultancy on how to handle a committed murder (Kaplan & Ban 67). Dr Constance Peterson, a psychoanalyst has the duty to help Gregory Peck out of the psychological trauma he faces after accusations recoiling over a murder case in which he is accused of involvement. She further ascertains that Gregory served the army during the Second World War and his trauma results from the turn of events in the battlefield. Drama occurs when Dr Constance slowly falls in love with the man who faces murder accusations (Kaja 78). Guilt conscience befalls the doctor; she cannot contemplate the turn of events leading to the love indulgence with a patient rather keeping it professional. Further, the problem arises that the patient at hand is a person facing murder charges and unacceptable in the society that is trying to heal from unsocial deeds that see many lose their lives to shelling of m ortars and ricocheting of guns, a period after the second world war (Kaja 98). The man reveals his haunted background in phases at a time when he lived with others in the organization, and different behaviors resulting from their different upbringings. At the long run, he reveals of the current situation, but the doctor can relate the past and the present to elaborate on the occurrence of the murder. Dr Constance realizes that she loves the convict but then feels with the society at the mention of murder. This causes her severe trauma, as she is a dilemma on whether to hide the truth or spill it to the society (Kaplan & Ban 78). In the book, ‘Let There Be Light’, the author shows how different characters are involved in imaginary thinking as their spouses and friends talk to them. In the book, men of different classes, professions, and expertise depict feminine character in their societal roles. They are more of subjection to objection as they do not show their masculin e characters or retaliation on whatever grounds arising. This causes imaginary thoughts to readers as they try to understand whether such a trait of men can happen considering it to the world we are living in. Silverman argues out that some the character traits; depict more of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International source of finance for india as developing country Dissertation

International source of finance for india as developing country - Dissertation Example The background of this study is to access the need of international sources of finance by India as a developing country. The major cause of underdevelopment in the developing country like India is the shortage of capital. If India depends on its own funds for funding economic development either of the two possibilities comes out. Partial development programs shall be accepted and a low rate of growth will be attained or else people will be required to forfeit to a limit beyond tolerance, which is feasible in an authoritarian state but not in a developing country like India which is a democratic state. So, there is need of international sources of financing in India which is very important for economic development (Hukku, 1989, p.12). Availing of foreign support is not a subject of shame for any country for those who are providing support today had them accepted the same earlier. Almost every developed state has had the support of foreign finance in order to enhance its own inadequate savings during the initial stage of its development. In the initial stages of development significant foreign assistance may be required but slowly foreign support as percentage of development expenses goes on retreating, since the developing nations must gain knowledge of becoming self reliant (Hukku, 1989, pp.12-13). As a developing country, India depends greatly on international sources of financing. The rates of its personal saving are good, as a minimum among the one-third of the population of the country that isn’t living in scarcity. The rapid growth of the economy of India has created much wealth for some people and that wealth is finding the places to grow. Some of it’s discovered its means out of the country, supporting the current wave of overseas acquirements. Rest of them stays home, mostly in Indian banks, accessible for collateralized use. There are various financial institutions and bodies that can fund direct investments in India and they are as follo ws: Overseas Private Investment Corporations, United States Trade and Development Agency, United States Agency for International Development, United Nations, Asian Development Bank, multinational financial aid organizations, bilateral financial aid organizations, local stock markets, and branch offices of foreign banks (Makar, 2010, p.205). This paper will give emphasis on the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the World Bank in India. Aims and Objectives Aims: The aim of this paper is to explore why there is a need of international sources of finance for India as a developing country and how India use that sources for its own development. Based on background of study and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Okuns Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Okuns Law - Essay Example Arthur Okun clearly explained in numerical values the link between unemployment and output. Okun's Law states that "1 percent more unemployment is estimated to equal 2 percent less output" (Schiller G-4; "Okun's Law or Rule of Thumb" 60). This was also stated as "The higher the rate of growth of output, the greater the reduction in unemployment, and vice versa" ("Okun's Law or Rule of Thumb" 60). Does this Law apply to the prevailing economic condition Conversely, one can hypothesize that this law does not apply to the prevailing situation in the United States of America, and that 1 percent more unemployment does not jeopardize percentage of output. In the United States of America, circumstances often force people to persist on joblessness. For example, many work applicants are from the secondary level of education and only some college units. Most employers however of the 21st century economy prefer information technology literacy in addition to completed college education. Also, the volume of products as output of inputted goods and services are dependent on the availability of the components of goods to be produced, and the availability of employees with hi-tech awareness (Schiller 127). An even depressing marker is the fact that goods for production may be for consumption or for investment. In case the capital will be used for consumables only, then nothing will be allocated for investment goods and vice-versa. This is the situation when capital is limited. Plus, despite increasing population, labor force have not increased, so the potential for output from out of the population is very well below the output needed to support the population (Schiller 127-128). These facts show that most people must have to be responsive of existing conditions on balance between employment and output or Gross Domestic Product. One good way of being responsive to existing conditions is to be pragmatic with limitations on availment of objects used as resources and expertise. These limits set boundaries on productivity. Additionally, if more people will find jobs in exchange for wages, then, more will be the input for labor necessary for production. In other words, balance between employment and output or Gross Domestic Product can be achieved with the minimization of boundaries set by the government and other concerned non-governmental groups on utilization of the natural resources and expertise (Schiller 128). Another front which could be harnessed to raise productivity is the unaccounted portion of labor. These are the full-time mothers, the full-time students, the teen-agers, the children, the sick, the disabled, and those who are working within a family business, but are not paid wages for doing jobs (Schiller 126; Frumkin 1987). Practically, these people are parts and parcels of the consumers and demand side of the economic market, yet they have no direct productivity in terms of income generation. In fact they may even be the bulk of the population that is reliant on the working groups' productivity. Plus, they are apparently the population who spends more and consumes more than those who are employed. Real life economic growth could hardly be achieved then, unless something is done with the dependent population in the American society. Gauged by the facts that unemployment economically

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Adams equity theory

Adams equity theory 3.4. 4 Equity Theory Adams s (1965) equity theory is another form of motivation. In this model, like in expectancy theory, people are viewed as having thoughts, feeling, and opinions that affect their work. He also proposes that the social comparison process begins with the individuals assessment of what he or she need to puts into the job relative to what is received from it. That is, the person develops a cognitive ratio composed of the inputs to the job and the return (output) from it. Inputs Typically, inputs are consider as an effort, loyalty, hard work, commitment, skill, ability, adaptability, flexibility, tolerance, determination, heart and soul, enthusiasm, trust in our boss and superiors, support of colleagues and subordinates, personal sacrifice, etc. Outputs The outputs typically are define as financial rewards, for example pay salary, expenses, perks, benefits, pension arrangements, bonus and commission plus intangibles recognition, reputation, praise and thanks, interest, responsibility, stimulus, travel, training, development, sense of achievement and advancement, promotion, etc. According to Adams (1965), people who feel that there is fairness between inputs and outputs. T he output/input(O/I) ratio denotes the proportion of job inputs (I) to job outputs (O), and it expresses to the extent to which of the exchange is felt to be appropriate. People feel it will be fair if the exchange of the output is seen to be as equal as the input. When outputs are greater than inputs, people know they are overpaid, and conversely, when outputs are less than inputs, people feel underpaid. In a second phase of the process, people engage in social comparison. They begin by assessing the O/I ratios of others at work. Then, the person compares their self-ratio with the ratios of other significant persons. Discussions on Equity Theory Equity theory has been used as a guide for paying and motivation, particularly in terms of changes in the quality and quantity of performance. Reviewers of the research have reported that the predicted effects of underpayment on performance are well supported (Campbell and Pritchard, 1976; Goodman and Friedman, 1971). Decreased production among underpaid hourly subjects has been observed as predicted (Pritchard, Dunnette, and Jorgenson, 1972). Increased production coupled with decreased work quality among underpaid piece rate subjects also has been observed (Lawler and OGara, 1967). 3.4.6 Goal-setting Therory Like equity and expectancy theories, goal-setting theory is consider as a process theory. Locke (1968) initiated the original work on this theory. The theory identifies the contents of the motivational structure, but the greater emphasis is on the process of motivation. Goals are the central feature of the motivational structure. His studies resulted in three main conclusions: More difficult goals result in higher levels of performance than easy goals. This is the first conclusion. The outcomes of a series of experiments showed that â€Å"although subjects with very hard goals reached their goals far less often than subjects with very easy goals, the former consistently performed at a higher level than the latter† (Lock, 1968). Specific goals produce higher levels of performance than general goals (e.g. ‘Do your best!) Locke suggests that one of the features of specific, hard goals is that they prolong effort during the latter portions of long work sessions (Locke, 1968). Locke also reported on a study by Meyer, Kay and French (1965) into goal-setting during appraisal interviews. They found that the tasks that were translated into specific goals resulted in greater performance outcomes than tasks that were not. Behavioural intentions influence the choices people make. This is the final conclusion. Behavioural intention was defined as â€Å"the intention to make a certain task choice or to respond in a certain way† (Locke, 1968). In other words, Locke concluded that the level of difficulty of a chosen goal depended on what the person undertaking the task was aiming to achieve. Discussions on Goal-setting Theory Goal-setting theory is useful to many managers because much of people management is specifically about performance against goals. It is also a theory that human resource professionals are likely to be familiar with because it is often focus on objectives. Although the Goal-setting theory specifically states that goals have to be considered valid for them to be motivating, the theory does not cover the issue of goal commitment according to Hollyforde and Whiddett (2002). Peoples commitment to a goal is an obviously key to anticipating their motivation to succeed at it. Carroll and Tosi (1973) reported that the self-esteem seems to be an important factor here. For example, managers with high self-esteem reported they were more persistent in meeting their goals than those managers with low self-esteem. In general, Goal-setting theory is a theory that has great relevance for managers. The three conclusions of the theory that suggest that the most motivating goals are not only specific but also challenging must ring true for many managers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Edgar Allen Poes The Cask Of Amontillado :: essays research papers fc

"The Cask of Amontillado" Grimes ii Outline Thesis: The descriptive details in "The Cask of Amontillado" not only appeal to the senses of the audience, but also show that the narrator has a memory that has been haunted with details that he can recall fifty years later. I. Introduction II. Auditory Appeal III. Humor Appeal IV. Visual Appeal V. Conclusion Grimes 1 "The vividness with which [Poe] transcribes his sensory experiences contributes powerfully to the response his stories invoke" (Fagin 202). In "The Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allan Poe uses captivating images to descriptively tell a tail of revenge, while appealing to the senses of the audience. In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montressor seeks to have revenge on Fortunato for an unknown insult. Montressor confesses at the beginning of the story, "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge" (Lowell 214). Montresor wants to "not only punish, but punish with impunity"(214). The nature of this insult is not made clear; however, the reader is led to believe that the insult changed Montresor’s social status. Montresor says to Fortunato "You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was." This leads the reader to believe that Montresor once had high social status, but that status has changed due to the insult by Fortunato. Fortunato, entering the scene wearing a jesters costume, is unaware of Montesors’ evil intentions of murder. Montresor persuades Fortunato, who prides "himself on his connoisseurship in wine," to go into the family vaults so he can taste and identify some "Amontillado" (Lowell 215). Along the way Fortunato becomes extremely drunk and unaware of Montresor’s evil plot of murder. Montresor then proceeds to lead him through the catacombs and finally buries him alive behind a wall. Mont resor calls to Fortunato, but the only reply that he receives comes in the "jingling of the bells" from Fortunato’s cap (222). Grimes 2 II. Auditory Appeal The fact that the narrator mentions the "jingling of the bells" several times after fifty years indicates that he is haunted with a memory of their sound. Poe knew that the audience would relate the terrifying sound of the bells to premature burial. Premature burial is a concern during the 19th century when Poe writes this short story (Platizky 1). Live burial is practiced during this time as a form of capital punishment in Europe (1).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Racism and Prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, an African American, named Tom Robinson, is accused of raping a white girl. Throughout the story we learn that Maycomb County, Alabama is full of people who are considered to be racist. From the beginning, even before Robinson’s trial began, everyone believed that he would be found guilty. At the end of Robinson’s trial he is found guilty. Another issue throughout the novel is many of the citizens of Maycomb are prejudice against others in the town, such as Boo Radley. A statement one may conclude after reading To Kill a Mockingbird is that racism and prejudice are comparable to habits. Racism, prejudice, and habits may be acquired by watching and listening one’s family, as well as others one interacts with, from a young age. Both racism and prejudice, like most habits, can be broken with some effort and a set mind, but one must first understand what it is they are doing wrong. To understand what is wrong with one’s behavior one might seek an adult or someone they respect to explain what it is that is wrong and why it may be considered wrong. In Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird, the character development throughout the story shows that racism and prejudice are acquired through one’s interaction with others and that it is possible to break these mindsets. Throughout the majority of this book Scout is afraid of Boo Radley, but towards the end, after Boo Radley carries Scout’s brother home, she realizes he is not such a bad person after all (270). Scout is only afraid of Boo Radley because of the rumors she heard about him from others that she interacted with. Once Scout actually met Boo Radley herself she realized he is not scary, he just keeps to himself. The fact that Scout has an opinion about Boo Radley before actually meeting him shows that she is influenced by others around her. One may not consider this a favorable characteristic, but it is relatable to everyday life. The majority of people are easily influenced or know someone who is easily influenced, so one may comprehend more easily why racism and prejudice exist. A similar situation to the last one takes place in the beginning of the book. Most of the people in the book know very little about Boo Radley, but â€Å"[a]ccording to Miss Stephanie†¦As Mr. Radley passed by, Boo drove the  scissors into his parent’s leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants, and resumed his activities† (11). Miss Stephanie tells the children and others this which causes the children and the others to form a prejudicial view about Boo Radley without ever having met him. The fact that Miss Stephanie’s statement affected others’ opinions about Boo shows how one’s statement can affect the logical reasoning of others. The others had no way of knowing if Miss. Stephanie’s statement was true or not, yet they still believed her. One may come to the conclusion that others believe something one says just to feel accepted or included.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Graphical User Interface Autism Children And Young People Essay Essays

Graphical User Interface Autism Children And Young People Essay Essays Graphical User Interface Autism Children And Young People Essay Essay Graphical User Interface Autism Children And Young People Essay Essay For the first subdivision of reappraisal of the autism, there is tonss of of import information that we gathered about the autism that in a manner helps the research. In this research the chief mark is to assist the autistic kids intervention with aid of the android automatons which are presently use NAO automaton as the chief tool. There will be some account will be covered in this subdivision about the autism. What is autism? The term of autism are already used since 100 twelvemonth ago. This word is come from the Greek word car where it s average ego . This term are used to advert the personal features of individual with this ability where ever by themselves all the clip without doing a societal interaction with others. In 1908, Eugen Bleuler was utilizing this term for patients with symptoms of schizophrenic disorder where the symptoms are somewhat same as autism. Then the head-shrinker from America, Leo Kanner began to utilize the term of autism for the kids that he studied where to explicate the behavior of the kids which is got a job with the societal interaction. After that, Hans Asperger was written about a group of kids he called autistic sociopaths because the kids he studied are resembled with what feature of the kid describe by Leo Kanner. But for the instance that he surveies the most of the patient that are among of the individual that got the ability same as the autistic individual, bu t in term of the intelligence they by and large got the normal as others individual and for linguistic communication development are near to the normal individual. In the other word it can be describe that this individual are better than individual with the autism in their ability map. From that he named the symptom as the Asperger s syndrome [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] . : Not everyone knows these sort of symptom even though it already existed long clip ago. It is some sort of encephalon developmental disablement. Largely this symptom will consequence to individual s normal encephalon map and besides the communicating include societal interaction accomplishment that supposed to be needed for themselves for confronting all the challenge in their whole life. Peoples with this ability largely got troubles with communicating and societal accomplishments and they besides have unusual behaviors and involvements. Because of these troubles, individual with autism got a job with acquiring a friend and besides to pass on with another individual. Everything what their privation to portion is hard to understand or make by the normal individual unless they already expose by the therapy that train them to pass on. Normally this particular ability can be detected when the obvious marks of autism and symptoms of autism appear to the person when their age effort in between 2 and 3 old ages [ 4 ] . From the latest study of Health Ministry the approximately estimated of the kids with autism born are one in 1000 kids in Malaysia and the consequence shown that four times more likely to impact male childs compared to girls [ 5 ] . Autism is the lasting symptom that can non be removed as their wanted. For this minute there are non suited remedy that can be used for them. But for them to get the better of or accommodate the challenge that have to faced they must travel through with the earlier diagnosing, therapies, and intercessions from individual that have the experience with this intervention such as healer. All this method is needed in order to cut down symptoms and increase accomplishments and abilities of the individual with this particular ability. There are tonss of therapies that can be applied to them, so that they can larn and so can accommodate the full learning thing in their everyday life clip. Some therapies that can be applied are societal accomplishment therapy, physical therapy, drama therapy, address therapy, developmental therapies and etc. Most of this therapy can be describe as the best intervention particularly for the individual with autism ; most of the research that applied this therapy intervention for the patient largely got the positive feedback compared with negative feedback. Patient that got through with the therapy largely at least got a small betterment in their ability and besides in the societal interaction with other individual. Symptoms [ 6 ] In this subdivision will be discussed about the symptoms of the autism. There is several sort of disablement that can be recognized in individual with autism, practically there are some common symptoms that can be appears for the individual with this ability such as: Social Interaction/Skills For the autistics individual the most troubles that faced by them are in the societal interaction accomplishments. While they interact with other individuals, they will be faced a job in apprehension or utilizing the societal look like an oculus contact, facial look, gesture and etc. to do an interaction. This job can be detected since they in early age. This job non merely gives a job to them but besides to the individual surround that want to interact with them. The societal job that happened to the individual with autism chiefly will convey troubles for them in sharing what they have learned or what they feel. That behavior makes them hard in acquiring a friend or keeping the friendly relationships among them or with others. Besides that in term of organic structure contact, largely they will resistance to being snuggling or touched like normal individual unless that individual are closes adequate to them such as their parent or siblings. As for individual with autism they prefer to be entirely in they own universe instead than being disturbed by others that makes their choice life distracted. Communication Communication accomplishments are related to the linguistic communication development of person. The ability is depending on the societal and besides rational development. This sort of upseting happen to them because of the normal encephalon map affected by this symptom.For the individual with autism this mark are usually happened to them. This is one of the mark really appear or recognized for the individual with autism when their age reach 3 old ages old. They will acquire jobs in verbal and non-verbal communicating because of them lack in address development. In order to pass on with others they largely will utilize a simple or uncomplete sentence. They will confront jobs in get downing or keeping a conversation because of hard in understanding the linguistic communication that used while doing interaction. Sometime for individual with autism they will utilize the insistent linguistic communication form that normally have no significance or non related to the conversation subject with others. For the illustration they count one to five repeatedly or they besides repeat the words that they heard over and over every bit much as they like without believing the others. This sort of status scientifically called as echolalia, which means the automatic repetition back the full thing that is said. The deficiency of gestural communicating accomplishment give a batch of job to this individual, they unable to used gesture like a indicating to an object in order to do other individual to understand what they try to convey in their address. Everything that they want to state largely can non be understood by others that make them to do inappropriate behaviors or unnatural usage of pitch, modulation, beat or emphasis while talking. They besides got jobs in understanding the simple inquiry that given t o them or when asked about the way term. Behaviors In term of behavior the form that normally used for individual with autism are besides insistent same as the communicating accomplishment jobs. All the activities that they done largely in insistent manner where they will concentrate on the activity such as rolling arm, whirling the object over and over once more. They normally fascinated with the rotary motion object like a wheel on the plaything auto. The autistics individual normally have an compulsion with objects, they like to do varied sort of aggregation like a bottle, box and etc. as their wonts. The compulsion with the difference object are the common thing that happened to the individual with the autism, it seem like a complicated wonts but in their everyday the thing that they opportunity still be repeated every bit same as before and that is the most valuable clip for them that can non be alteration as we like, if that happen they will go disquieted or angry. Besides that they besides like to rearrange and line up thing t hat they collected over and over. If that happen it could do them to make an inappropriate behaviors such as unnatural usage of pitch or others unpredictable thing that can do hurt. Besides that they besides have troubles in altering or reassigning their activity from one country to another, because of the complicated wonts that done in their modus operandi. Roboticss The footings of automaton foremost used in public are in 1920 by Karel A?apek in the scientific discipline fiction drama named R.U.R. ( Rossum s Universal Robots ) . The word of automatons really from the Czech linguistic communication Robota which means servitude or forced labors where they done the full thing that being instructed to them by their maestro [ 7 ] . After that the words of zombi or android have being replaced by this new term for in the linguistic communication use all around the universe [ 7 ] [ 8 ] . In 1942 the regulations of three Torahs for the robotics have being introduced by Isaac Asimov in the scientific discipline fiction of short narrative entitle Runaround . The three Torahs that he mentioned foremost are about the automaton non gave any injury to human being through its action. Second jurisprudence are the automaton are obeying all the direction or orders that given to it by the human being every bit long as the instructions are non overlapped with the first jurisprudence. And the last jurisprudence that he mentioned the automaton should protect its owns being while its can demur where the protection are non interrupt the first and 2nd Torahs that have being mentioned in his authorship. From the Torahs that have being introduced and many betterments had made in his narratives, so he start to do an change and amplification the original Torahs for the farther development on how automatons can interact with worlds or each other s. Then he s come up with the 4th or zerot h jurisprudence where the Torahs described that the automaton must non harm humanity. Presents there are tonss of undertaking that given to the automaton to make the occupations in many field which is in the industrial automatons, domestic or household automatons, medical automatons, service automatons, military automatons, amusement automatons, infinite automatons and in conclusion in the field of avocation and competition automatons [ 9 ] . Besides that the group of automaton besides can be divided in to the group based on the map and design that makes it doing a undertaking whether it is able to travel or non, large or little. Each of them can be spliting into [ 10 ] ; Mobile Robots where it is normally can execute the undertaking that can non be done by homo either that country can non be range or that topographic point are unsafe. The nomadic automaton can be classs into two which is Rolling Robots and Walking Robots. Stationary Robots besides one of the types that can be discussed, the automaton are non merely used to make the undertaking for the human to research countries and besides use to copy a human behavior that can do a perform the insistent undertaking that supposed to be done by the homo without traveling an inch. Because of the human got a bound in performed a occupations. By so the imitative automaton are truly utile for that sort of occupations because automaton neer grows tired, it will execute its responsibility twenty-four hours and dark without of all time kicking. Autonomous Automatons are the automaton that can execute the undertaking without a back uping from human being. The word supporting here are means that the automaton really got its ain encephalon that can be rely on while making the undertaking. The automaton runs plans that give them the chance to them in executing the best solution or action depended on the environing. They can larn on how to walk and avoid obstructions that block their motion. Remote-control Robots are the independent automaton where the memory and the encephalon capacity are limited. That needed in order to execute a complicated undertaking that can non be executing by the normal independent automaton. The complicated undertaking are still be perform by the human being where have the existent encephalon power in order to command the automaton like a denote a bomb in the military countries. Virtual Robots are merely a plans where can do a simulation of the existent automaton or executing the insistent undertaking controlled by the package in the computing machine. The practical automatons are the particular automaton that developed in order to bring forthing the searching of the World Wide Web. Most of the practical automatons are infinite in the cyberspace that creeping from site to site where they collect the information on the web sites and directing the information to the hunt engines. Roboticss are the system where produced by the human sort that can travel by themselves. All the action that allowed them to travel is influenced by the aid of the programming systems or electronic circuitry [ 10 ] [ 11 ] . The robotic systems are component or device that can travel about in the environment and doing interactions either societal or physical. The automaton can do the physical interaction through propulsion action and so it can take an consequence from the physical interaction by mensurating utilizing the detection. The propulsion and sensing component are the of import component that needed for the automaton to do them to command its mechanical organic structure. With the accountant constituent that possess by the automaton it can assist the automaton to make some bomber activities such as modeling, modulating and be aftering like reference in [ 11 ] . For the automaton it should hold the characteristic [ 12 ] ; Feeling is the most of import feature for the automaton to enable them to feel the milieus. To do the automaton the sense ability it should fit with detectors such as light detectors, touch and force per unit area detectors and many more that can assist the automaton cognizant with its environment. For the Movement features is needed in order to give an chances for the automaton to travel around its environment whether turn overing on wheel or any method that could assist it s to travel. In term of energy, as the automaton it is the of import beginnings that needed to find its life-time. Robot needs to be able to power itself by many ways such as solar powered, electrically powered, battery powered that depend on the intent of the automaton developed. And the last of import feature that needed for the automaton is Intelligence. The intelligent of the automaton are depending on the programming systems that enters the platform. A coder is the individual who gives the automaton its smar ts. The automaton will hold to hold some manner to have the plan so that it knows what it is to make. There tonss of betterment in the robotics systems had make presents in attempt to assist human life manner. The development of the android automaton with independent and semi- independent automaton are the celebrated research that make in order to better the interaction relationship in between the automaton and human being. Humanoid Robot Humanoid automaton is one of the independent automatons where it placed in that categorize because of its ability which are the same as the independent 1s. Beside the ability what makes the humanoid automaton particular because of the design of the organic structure or the outer visual aspect that look like merely like mare human. All the features that possessed on homo are besides it s got even though it merely a simple one. To go the humanoid automaton the developer non needed to fit the automaton with all the portion that human possess like a caput, arm, legs and others, but when the automaton merely have one of the portion it s besides can be called as the android automaton every bit long as it look like a human. What make the android automaton differ than the others automatons are the capableness of the automaton to do an interaction either with human or each other. Lapp as the normal automaton, the android automaton besides needed the same constituents or portion in order to map. The parts that it s needed are the actuator, detectors, organic structure and besides programing that became the most of import thing that controls the automaton. Each of the parts is needed for the different maps. For the illustration we take the detector, the detector are the devise that used in the organic structure of the automatons. There are many sorts of detector that attach in the automaton such as force per unit area and touch detector, light detectors, sonar detectors and many more. All the detector are used so that the automaton could feel the dangers or the obstructions that appears when they got involved to the environment and so all the sense that detected will be send to the package which is plans or in other words the intelligent of the automaton that created by the coder so makes a determination to execute the solution. The design of these sort of automaton like a human being make people that want to interact with it feel save comfy either for the immature or the seniors. The latest design of the android automaton are focused on the interaction had make between the automaton and the human. The term for this interaction are called as the human automaton interaction ( HRI ) . The manner of the interaction are improved by clip to clip that makes the interaction between them become more gratifying like holding a normal interaction with a individual. The human surveies of the HRI are related to the relationship on the homo and besides the automaton and besides the reaction that give influences each other while interacting. The automaton particularly a humanoid automaton that developed with the HRI are truly of import and have a higher potency in the therapy session that can be used as the tool to develop or learn the normal or the particular individual that got the a jobs in the encephalon maps like a individual with autism in order to assist them in understanding and observe the emotion that created and besides to develop the societal human behaviors that can non be reach by themselves [ 13 ] . Nowadays there are tonss of the researches conducted in order to make the android automaton for many countries purpose like faculty members, amusement, research and many more. For the instance survey that we created, the android automaton that used is the NAO where the potency of the automaton that we see as the best from the other develo ped automaton for a minute for the automaton therapy that give to kids with autism. NAO [ 14 ] The android automaton that widely used for this minute is NAO, most of them late are used in the research and academic included the developer intent. In this subdivision we will discourse on the NAO automaton. NAO are one of the androids automatons which are the independent types. NAO is the android that possess with the caput, weaponries, legs and others portion that make its expressions like a small male child. The tallness of the NAO is about 23 inches with the actuator and the motors that connected each portion of the organic structure that make it can travel freely with the 25 grades of freedom ( DOF ) . This automaton consists of many detectors that make it functioned good like a force per unit area and haptic detectors, sonar range finder for distance appraisal, Information Retrieval ( IR ) emitters and receiving systems. The frequence of the cardinal processing unit ( CPU ) that used in the NAO is 1.6 GHz where the maker used the processor from the Intel Company named as Intel Atom. Same as the computing machine the automaton besides needed the operating system ( OS ) to command the NAO plans, for the NAO the compatible OS is Linux, Windows and Mac OS. The needed of the power supply are truly of import for the automaton to operating, so that the NAO automaton are used the power supply from the 27.6-watt-hour battery that can be varies by the use, puting and runing status, for the active usage the automaton can prolong until an hr, while 90 proceedingss for normal usage, depending on the use. Figure 2.1 NAO Robots with the Part Names [ 14 ] Besides that what makes this robot particular it is because it have the ability to pass on with the individual thanks to the constitutional talker and voice synthesist device that acts as communicating device of the automatons that use to acknowledge and track voice and sounds. Meanwhile for the speaking abilities the mikes are used. And for the eyes the NAO automaton are supported with the cameras that used to acknowledge faces and objects, besides used to track and analyze its environing. To do the eyes of the automaton map right to observe faces or the object the sets of algorithms had been used that concept in the platform that control the NAO. For the scheduling linguistic communication that usage in the interfacing intents compatible linguistic communication that can be usage are C++ , Python, Urbi, and etc. that depend on the users that has to be suited or compatible with the OS platform. The NAO automaton is equipped with the tactile detectors that installed at two of its organic structure parts which are on the caput and besides at the both custodies that use for user to give the bid when by touch it. These detectors besides can be set as the shut off button when the user puting their manus on the NAO automaton or the button to get down the faculty that uploaded to the NAO. Besides that in order to avoid the obstruction or something that will barricading the automaton ways the maker already placed the two senders and receiving systems each on NAO organic structure so that it can place the distances of environing objects within 70 centimeters of distance. The android automaton NAO non a statics robot that merely remain on the one topographic point so doing occupations, but NAO is the automaton where can do a motion and walk around like a homo s with non a heterosexual but besides others motion because of the detectors and besides the actuator articulation with the certain grade of freedom used in the NAO concept that makes it stable to walk on many different surfaces. The NAO automaton besides compatible with the web connexions which is Wi-Fi and Ethernet that makes NAO to link with the web wherever it placed either at place or other topographic points every bit long as that topographic point are supplies with the web connectivity. With this connectivity the NAO automatons will be supplies with the up to day of the month information such as the conditions prognosis or the utilizing the package change overing the linguistic communication used that straight connected to the cyberspace while communicate. Beside the Wi-Fi and Ethernet the NAO besides equipped with infrared connexion where it can be used for the particular undertaking that given to the such as bend off the telecasting with its owns infrared connexion and besides to command other device that equipped with the infrared connexions that can be done based on the undertakings that given to them by coder. In term if undertaking, for the NAO system can be control by utilizing the particular package that provided by the maker called as NAO Choregraphe Module that can be used to put the motion or the undertakings for the NAO that want to creates likes a sing a vocal, move with other gestures and others. All of the undertaking are depends on the coder that creates the scheduling for them. Figure 2.2: NAO s Choregraphe ModuleAssistive Robotics ( AR ) The applications of Assistive Roboticss are widely used in order to look into the application of the robotics with their engagement in the field wellness attention and instruction. These probes are of import to accomplish the best process solution to recovery for individuals with damages due to assorted diseases particularly related to the encephalon map like autism. The assistive robotics is focus on developing robotic AIDSs for back uping independent individuals who have chronic or degenerative restrictions and besides who got jobs with encephalon disablements as therapy and supportive tools [ 15 ] . AR are related to many application countries that already being exposed by the past research worker in attempt to better human comfort. From the survey that conducted by Mason and Christensen [ 16 ] mentioned that assistive automaton are developed from different application countries in order aid homo for their life such as: Manufacturing-In this country the robotics systems are widely deployed for the fabrication procedure. Most of the mill utilizing this engineering for them to better the production rate of the merchandise. They ever make research for continues to progress by develop new cardinal attack in the engineering of the robotics. Every twenty-four hours there are ever new development are obtained. Medical and health care are normally used of the Assistive Robotics for the patient particularly in term of Recovery and Rehabilitation. The patients that normally involve in this sort of intervention are the 1 that got the jobs with the physical disablement. The automaton will help them with the suited method that can be applied to them by the AIDSs of the automaton till the advancement achieved. Beside that the other researches besides mention that this country besides covered the application of mobility jobs and besides used for senior attention [ 17 ] [ 16 ] . Service-in general the services are that used the robotics assistive is in both professional and domestic services. Professional service normally used automatons in logistics, agribusiness, cleansing, and besides mining sector but for the Domestic service automatons can execute undertakings where worlds on a regular basis perform around their places such as vacuuming, horticulture, cut downing the lawn and pool care [ 18 ] . Socially Robot ( SR ) Socially Robot ( SR ) is term that used in order to depict the societal interaction that involved in between automaton and homo. This term are foremost used by the research worker to do surveies of depicting automaton which is following human societal feature such as incarnation, emotion, communicating, and etc. [ 19 ] . SR are operates or given undertaking as the spouse or aid for the human to pass on or doing interaction. By refer to the research done by Dautenhahn and Billard, they mentioned that Social synergistic automatons can be defined as the agents that can interact with each other and besides environment so construe the universe in footings of their ain experience that their possess, they stands for explicitly Communicate with and larn from each other [ 20 ] . Socially Assistive Robotics ( SAR ) Based on the survey that had done by Seifer and Mataric, the Socially Assistive Robot ( SAR ) is specifying as the intersection between the Assistive Robot and Socially Robot. SAR and AR are similar in term of aid, but for the elaborate SAR is more to the societal than physical interaction. Meanwhile in the position of the societal interaction SAR is more similar to SR in term of their focal point, which is to develop and besides create an interaction with a user in intent to give aid particularly in the field of intervention [ 21 ] . Nowadays these sorts of interaction are concerned particularly for the individual that does nt hold an attempt or energy to assist them including in procedure of recovery and rehabilitation. For this survey we focused the SAR on assisting the autistic kids where got a job in their encephalon development. It is because some of these kids are demoing their enthusiasm and miming character when their face or travel through interaction with the automaton [ 22 ] . SAR in this instance can be used as aid for the user to better the mental wellness of kid by cut downing emphasis, solitariness and depression that happened to them [ 23 ] . As mentioned before the SAR is merely doing a societal instead than physical interaction. This can give the best chance for to develop the interaction between human and automaton without giving injury while interacts with the automaton. The developments of the SAR are widely improved and popular in the research country such as the robotics, medical specialty, neuroscience and etc. The SAR developments are foremost used in order to assist elderly by building robot-pet comrade for them to assist in cut downing depression and emphasis [ 24 ] . The SAR are truly beneficially non merely for the aged but it besides can be utile to everybody include persons with physical damages, individual that goes through the rehabilitation therapy and besides for the persons that got the jobs with encephalon upset by utilizing them as the tools or medium for therapy, preparation and besides can be used as the particular instruction. The SAR are truly portion to make when involved the interaction with the human, there a tonss of possibilities has to be consider before it been constructed. In the paper that done by David Feil-Seifer and Maja J MatariA†¡ [ 25 ] , they have taken several nucleus of moralss principle that set up for the medical to be implement in the SAR development. The moralss rules that have being discussed are beneficence, non-maleficence, liberty and justnes s where they try to analyze either its affect the applications of SAR. For the automaton the visual aspects are truly of import to acquire a higher outlook from people that interact with it, human-like visual aspect are the better for them [ 24 ] . David Feil-Seifer did mentioned that the ways of kids with autism and automatons are different compared with the interaction them with individual or toys [ 26 ] [ 27 ] . But the job that occur from this interaction is that the respond that given by the automaton while interacting to the childs. He did besides reference that this sort of interaction is the disputing jobs to do the automaton to understand the behavior of the kid with autism. There are a tonss of development had make in the robotics development in order to happen the solution on this jobs. To decide this job the research had make among the research workers and enable them to used to the full independent automatons for interact with any kids particularly kids with autism by concentrating on the free-form behavior that showed by kids. The interaction that make in between kid and automaton can go as a curative assistance that can assist people particularly kids with autism. The therapy should be aimed for them in order to develop and better their ability while interacting. The purposes of the therapy are to promote of the turn-taking behavior, human-human and human -robot interaction and besides purposes for acquiring or observing kids distress [ 27 ] . Autistics child characteristic are different comparison to normal kids, non all of them can accept the behavior of the automaton that interact with them. In the surveies paper made by David Feil-Seifer mentioned that for the autistics child there were specific morphological and behavior of the automaton are raging and deflecting for them. From at that place they to happen new methods by observing automatically the negative behavior of the kid so minimise hurt experienced by giving the properly response while interacting with automaton. Robot and Autism. In order to do a connexion between these androids and autistics kids for the intervention, the research that we conducted had consider all possibility and besides the effects that can be happen during the intervention because of the status of the autistics kids which is differ with the normal kid on their features. The used of the automaton as the tools to assistive kids with autism are truly utile and got its ain potency in the intervention because some of them will demo their behavior while interacting with the automaton [ 28 ] . For the individual with autism the societal interaction with the automaton is more suited compared interaction with people in term of behavior. It is because for them people s societal behaviors are difficult to foretell and besides confounding compared to the automaton behavior which is ever can be control and be managed harmonizing to the direction given to them with exactly [ 28 ] [ 29 ] . In this subdivision we will take a expression for the several re searches that conducted by the past research worker that utilizing automaton as the tool to give a therapy to the autistics individual and besides that research that make the most cherished find related to the therapy session that used the robot assistive. From the determination there will be some info that can be used that can assist in the current research that we conduct. The robotic systems are foremost used in the intervention for the autism since 1976 by Sylvia Weir and Ricky Emanuel utilizing a nomadic turtle-like automaton named LOGO at university of Edinburgh [ 30 ] . Since so, these methods of intervention become most celebrated subject that chosen by the pupil in university for their research to develop and better this method of intervention boulder clay now. Their comes up with differences and new development from all the research that already developed and all the informations that collected in their research has become a mention for the following coevals to better and besides develop new research. The LOGO automatons are used to promote communicating accomplishment on the individual they studied which is seven old ages old male childs with symptoms of autism. The research reported that its give a positive consequence based on the respond that kid with the automaton. Even though the undertaking are non straight give an interaction with the a utomaton and non operated autonomously, but from this research of surveies it give a hopes that this sort of intervention can give a new way for the following coevals research worker to develop the new betterment by utilizing the automaton as the medium tools to gives therapy for the individual with autism [ 30 ] . The research had made by Hideki Kozima and Cocoro Nakagaw utilizing the automaton called as KEEPON to interact with the kid. The research conducted to turn out that the interaction between kids with autism and automaton are difference depends on the single age. From the research they obtained, the consequence shown that largely child that age below 1 twelvemonth they make an interaction with the automaton merely by utilizing custodies and oral cavity and did non care about the automaton ability. But for the kid with age 1year old they make an interaction with the automaton based on the automaton attentive and affectional actions. And the research on 2 twelvemonth old kid shows that they want to make a societal interaction with the automaton by demoing something to them and besides do a organic structure contact with it [ 22 ] . This research besides show the betterment of the autistic kids when they interact with the automaton. Largely they showed to their trainers what they have lea rned. This become most of import determination that will be used or implemented for the research and so applied the suited faculty or undertaking that given to the automaton in order to interact based on age of the individual that become our capable. Figure 2.3: KEEPON [ 22 ] Then the research of therapy besides use the application of automaton named as ROBOTA. It is one of the android automaton dolls that little in size with around 45 centimeter in high. The chief organic structure of the doll are covered with the electronic board with the motor that drive the legs, weaponries and besides for the caput its move by utilizing one grade of freedom. Chiefly this automaton are used for develop kids in motion, music and address. The intent of this survey is to better the societal interaction accomplishments and imitation ability of the autistic individual. The trials have been doing with four kids with autism. They were exposed repeatedly with the automaton that applied the basic imitative and turn-taking games for several months. Along with this trial the picture of the documenting had been recorded during kids make interaction with the automaton. From the picture that recorded they evaluated the four behavioral standards including oculus regard, touch imitat ion and in conclusion on the place of kids with the automaton ( near ) . They have comes up with the qualitative and quantitative analysis. From the first analysis which is qualitative analysis on observed all the activity of the kids that related to the interaction behavior, they revealed farther facets of the societal accomplishment interaction of the kids such as the ability of imitation, oculus regard, touching and else. Besides that, from this analysis they besides can bespeak the degree of communicating accomplishment that showed personally by the kids based on the recorded picture informations. For the 2nd analysis it s showed an addition in continuance of pre-defined behaviors towards the ulterior tests. In this surveies show that the insistent exposure the android automaton will increase the basic interaction societal accomplishment of the kids. Figure 2.4: TROY [ 31 ] The following simple design of humanoid automaton can be discuss in this paper are the automaton called as TROY. It is the automaton that can execute the simple and programmable behavior. It is the simple automaton with two weaponries with four grade of freedom that can do it raised and lowered the weaponries and other action. The automaton besides equipped with the 7 inch screen where it presented as the caput of the automaton where the research worker put the face to expose the face look like sad, happy or other impersonal emotions. The automaton is designed in order to promote the imitation and besides turn-taking behaviors for the individual with autism. In these surveies they mentioned that the period the interaction in between the automaton and kid should non transcend so 20 % from the available therapy clip. The remainder of the clip should be the therapy for the kid and human interactions [ 31 ] . In this instance they try to stress that the interaction in between the kid and automaton has to be less than the interaction with a individual in procedure to develop. In the research they got the positive consequence on the low dose robotics intervention for the kid with autism in their interaction accomplishments. In the therapy that they conducted they begin the therapy measure by measure started with the interaction between the kid and automaton so continue with the interaction between the kid, healer and the automaton and the remainder of the 80 % of the therapy session is the interaction between human and kid. In this instance they merely used the automaton as the tool to assist a kid to develop societal accomplishment. Figure 2.5: Child with autism interacting with the Labo-1 automaton [ 24 ] The following research that used the automaton as the tools to promote the development of kids with autism are the nomadic automaton named as LABO-1. The automaton consists of the infrared detector that act as like a echo sounder to avoid the obstruction that block the automaton from moved and besides pyro-electric detector that used to observe and following the human. The robot motion are really slow to avoid any unpredictable thing from happened to the kid. In this research the topic are two kids with autism to give societal interacting preparation or therapy. The consequence of the trial showed the positive consequence when the kids give a good response while playing with the automaton. The research worker besides mentioned that the kid played with the automaton for the long clip and did non frighten while interacting with the automaton at a close distance [ 24 ] . The used of the automaton as the medium in assisting individual with autism are merely to assist them in develop their abilities and facilitate human contact non to replace them from interact with other individual [ 32 ] . In this research, the survey will be related to the automaton therapy where individual with autism will be expose with the interaction to the automaton where assist them to better the ability. The involved of humanoid automaton named NAO are truly suited for the research, it is because of the characteristic as mentioned before are suited used for the research particularly when it interact with the autistic individual and besides for the normal individual. There are researcher references that for the autistic kids the behavior of the NAO automaton which is insistent and the motion that has being simplified are truly suited and can assist them in preparation of the societal accomplishment [ 33 ] . These applications of NAO are truly suited because most of the feature are significantly showed that its truly consistent with the behavior of the autistic autism which is can non confront the complicated thing in during their accomplishments development. Nowadays there is tonss of research that used NAO as the tool to happen new development in many countries particularly in term of medicine or automaton therapy. Robot therapy is therapy that used a automaton as helper in the intervention. The ways of the automaton used are depend on the intent of the faculty or undertakings that create by the research worker for the research. The suited faculty of the automaton should hold a justification on why it has to be that manner and what traveling to go on when used in the therapy in order to draw attending individual with autism to affect in interaction with the automaton. The full undertaking given for the NAO is truly of import for the therapy to guarantee whether it is succeeded or non in the intervention. The betterment of the undertaking done by the research worker should be improved from clip to clip in order to make the best undertaking for the NAO for the therapy. Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) In this subdivision it will be the most of import parts that where the reappraisals are traveling decided what are the most of import thing has to be included in the GUI development that has to be interfacing each other between networking and the database, beside assist the user to work out the job in develop new faculty or other thing that related to the plan for the intervention and so accomplish the aim besides the purposes of the research. The GUI developments are truly of import for the user particularly to person with a small cognition in the computing machine development. The interface will steer the users through different phases towards the achievement of the undertakings. The multi-task and hard interface could convey another job for the users to better their accomplishments. In this reappraisal it will steer about something that related to the best GUI development for the research. GUI is the most common thing that we traveling to utilize when involve with the machine and human interaction like computing machine. This interface is truly of import or became the medium for the human to interact with the machine with more effectual. The interaction merely affect the usage of the image or images as the button bid instead than the texts bid that can give the confusion for the novices or non-technical individual that low in the computing machine cognition. The full image or the icons will stand for as the action button that available on the GUI application that normally performed through direct use of the graphical elements that make the OS to relocated or happen the beginnings of the bid that being done in the text bid. GUI are introduced in the reaction of the bid cringles of the command-line interface ( CLI ) where required the external equipment like a keyboard to type the bid. The bids were merely showed the bid line interface with Numberss and text with the com plicated operation that can be completed by utilizing the cutoff by pull stringsing a symbols or the short sequence of words. There is a research of the GUI development that has being conducted to turn out that the utilizations of the icons for the direction are truly effectual instead than others bids. In that research they have make study on the 10 people between 20 boulder clay 30 old ages olds that operates the interface that been develop. The consequence of the studies showed that the used of the icon or others characters that represent the operation of the application attract users so heighten the serviceability of the practical GUI s [ 34 ] . The best Graphical user interface is the 1s that have the feature of user friendly that makes everybody experience satisfy after utilizing it. The user friendliness can be defined as the interface that will steer the users through phase to another in order to carry through the undertakings, so that users can interact more with the undertakings and less with the system [ 35 ] . To accomplish the user friendliness there are several features that have to be include d are [ 35 ] ; The first thing that have be included in the interface are the design of the interface has to be suited for everyone and besides good looking interface. It truly needed so that the user feels it will work better and more confident while utilizing the application. Besides that the users besides can experience more satisfied and comfy with the interface while read the interface with strong contrast between text and background. Besides that the usage of the basic words besides give an consequence on the users interface, users will happen an interface to be friendly if it displays information in their native reading way or in their native linguistic communication, without utilizing any profession particular footings that non everyone can understand. Accessible besides can be the 1s of the features should be on the user friendly interface. The interface has to be developing so that everybody can entree the interface without holding a complicated. A user friendly interface should be built upon the human ocular and cognitive capablenesss that can be achieved by utilizing cognition of familiar objects that can makes users happen it easier to larn and utilize. The user interface besides has to consistent in manner and dictions. The GUI is divided in to two groups which is computing machine based and web-based. In this research the GUI that we traveling to research are more to the web-based where we have to make a web site for the kids with the autism, so that everybody could accesses and so can sharing the information that they got from the research that conducted by themselves. There will be the treatment on the related subjects on the therapy procedure of the automaton named as NAO with the kids with the autism, besides sharing the faculty that has being created. In the procedure of the developing the GUI creative activity the demand of the package is needed. In order to plan the interface with the user friendly interface all the feature has being study through the researching the reappraisal that have make by the past research worker. At this minute the best package that consider as the best in the interface design are Adobe Photoshop where it can be used as the tools in redacting the design till the concluding satisfaction be achieved. But in order to make the website the best package could be usage is MySQL. The usage of the MySQL package is place the best tools because of it is the unfastened beginning package where about all the website developer are used these package besides it is the freeware package. Then for the scheduling linguistic communication the truly suited and compatible with the MySQL are PHP package, where it s besides one of the freeware package that easy to obtain. The GUI development for this research will concentrate o n the users with the deficiency in the cognition of the computing machines. Everybody could portion the information that they want to portion without any jobs and so utilize the information good.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What is an Ellipsis

What is an Ellipsis What Is an Ellipsis? Ellipses are punctuation marks that are useful in academic writing, where there is sometimes a need to quote sources at length. This is because ellipses indicate when something has been left out from a quote, helping you to express yourself succinctly. Despite this important role, many people are unsure about how and when to use ellipses. As such, we’ve prepared this guide on how to quote elliptically. Overview: What Is an Ellipsis? As mentioned above, an ellipsis is a punctuation mark indicating an omission from a quotation, typically presented as a set of three periods ( †¦ ). An ellipsis can thus be used to emphasize important points when quoting lengthy passages by omitting excess detail: The popularity of the owl †¦ stems from its design for coping with, and hunting in, the darkness. Enormous frontal eyes stare out from cheek-like facial discs, and they have †¦ highly developed ears: Both are part of the owl’s equipment for homing in on elusive and alert prey. In the above passage, additional details have been removed to focus on two features (â€Å"enormous frontal eyes† and â€Å"highly developed ears†). It is important, however, that the amended text still makes a complete sentence, so read it back to yourself after making any omissions. Presentation The most common version of an ellipsis is the one used in the above passage (i.e., three dots with a space before and after the ellipsis). However, conventions differ depending on the style guide used, so remember to check whether your school specifies a style. Variations you may see include: Three dots with no spaces on either side (e.g., There is something†¦missing here.) Three dots with spaces between them (e.g., There is something . . . missing here.) Three dots enclosed within square brackets (e.g., There is something [†¦] missing here.) Usually, as long as you use a clear and consistent style, the type of ellipses you use will not be a major issue. Informal Writing You may also see ellipses in less formal writing, where they are often used†¦ wait for it†¦ to indicate a dramatic or comic pause! In these cases there will sometimes be no space before the ellipsis. However, there is usually a space afterwards to indicate the end of the pause. Alternatively, if used at the end of a sentence, an ellipsis can indicate a thought or utterance trailing away to nothing without a satisfying†¦

Monday, November 4, 2019

Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics Essay - 1

Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics - Essay Example In a study reported by CNN, several researchers undertook a study on the social networks of teenagers. The study found that dating teenagers is likely to be exposed to mixed-gender peer groups. Borrowing from this study, the article by MacMillan then claims that the drinking patterns of the 2nd degree friends was the strongest influence on the drinking behavior. According to the article, these 2nd degree friends came along with the peer group. It is through these assumptions that the article asserts that: Dating spreads drinking in teens! The assumption made by this article is a clear representation of a misguided assumption of causality. Instead of concluding that dating spread drinking in teens, the writer of the article should have argued that the strongest association of teenager drinking behavior occurred with that of the 2nd degree friends. This is because the measurements of the variables were taken based on friend and self-reports. It is therefore scientifically inappropriate to conclude that the 2nd degree friends increased the drinking habits in teens. Some other factors can also play roles in increasing the drinking habits. To test a possible causality between drinking habits in teens and 2nd degree friends; Convergent cross mapping as a statistical tool should be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Overview of the iPhone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Overview of the iPhone - Research Paper Example It was a GSM phone and had a button placement that is now consistent. (iMore) After that followed seven more generations of the iPhone each accompanied by a major release of the iOS. One year and a half later iPhone released its second generation of 3G and reviewed the hardware .the phone also added GPS capabilities. Some of the hardware improvements for iPhone 3GS that included a faster processor and a camera with a high resolution capable of recording 480p video. However, the phone had a few problems with its charger but overall it managed to make massive sales. (iMore) After that, it saw the release of other iPhone 4 models. iPhone 4 featured a front camera to enable video calling, a higher resolution of 960 x 640 and a rear camera of 5megapixels with 720p video capture. iPhone 4S upgraded its hardware to A5 dual-core processor and an upgrade of the camera to 8 megapixels with the ability to record a 1080p video. A voice control scheme by the name of Siri was employed. The next release was iPhone 5 which was an improvement of the iPhone 4.The iPhone 5 had an A6 dual-core processor, hosted LTE (Long-Term Evolution) support and increased the display size to 4 inches. An improvement to the iPhone 5 was released by the name of iPhone 5S. It had an A7 64-bit dual processor and an upgraded camera with two LED flashes. A fingerprint scanner with touch id incorporated to the home button. iPhone 5C features a casing made of polycarbonate and a rear well-lit camera. Apples latest iPhone release is the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 has a screen size of 4.7inches while the iPhone 6 Plus has a screen of 5.5 inches. Both this models feature new A8 processor chip and motion coprocessors.